Dermal Filler
Naturally Contoured
Dermal Filler Treatment
Dermal fillers are a type of non-surgical cosmetic procedure and are classed as medical devices. They can be used to add volume, and contour to the face which in turn will have a smoothing effect on fine wrinkles. They are a gel like substance that are injected under the skin to the correct depth according to need and the choice of product will vary depending on the practitioners assessment during the consultation.
The gel consists of Hyaluronic Acid which is found naturally in the skin. It binds with water and gives volume. As we age the skin becomes drier and thinner and the ability to regenerate diminishes. The gel is available in different viscosity and particle size and typically contains the local anaesthetic lidocaine for comfort. Your practitioner will use the correct product for the area being treated to give a natural refreshed outcome. Most are available lidocaine free for patients with a known allergy to lidocaine. The skin will be numbed with numbing cream prior to the procedure. The gel can be administered via a needle, cannula, or both to optimise results.

Areas treated are cheeks, naso labial folds, marionette lines, jaw line, chin, lips, peri oral area (vertical lip lines) and concertina lines on cheeks

Dermal fillers, botulinum toxin A and skin boosters all work well in synergy to enhance the aesthetic outcome
Do’s after dermal filler
Stay hydrated. This helps healing and you will see results sooner
Apply a cold compress, this will reduce any discomfort and inflammation
Keep your head elevated and try to sleep on your back
You can take pain medication but nothing that will thin the blood.
Any numbness, blanching or discolouration of the skin even if far away from the injection site, contact us for an urgent face to face review.
Don’ts after dermal filler
Do not sleep on your face after dermal filler, this can worsen bruising and swelling and squash the placement
Do not apply makeup for a minimum of 24 hrs. Mineral based is best
Do not exercise for a minimum of 24 hrs. Can increase blood pressure and make swelling and bruising worse
Avoid heat eg sauna hot baths sun bathing
Don’t fly for at least 2 weeks.
Lip filler avoid hot drinks and drinking from a straw or smoking
Before your treatment please ensure No alcohol for 24 hrs
Have a light meal
Ensure you are well hydrated
Be make up free
Avoid medication that can increase bruising, including supplements
Do not stop any prescription medication
Ensure you have had enough time to consider
Choose your injector wisely
What age can you have anti wrinkle injections?The Law requires you to be 18 years old. However, in this clinic we would advise that it is not indicated in someone so young. Early 30’s or a little earlier for preventative treatment could be considered following a thorough consultation in clinic. BDD (Body Dysmorphic Disorder) is a condition we are very aware of and if this is suspected we would not treat and would refer you to your GP (with your consent) to get the specialist help required for your wellbeing.
How long does it take to start working?It takes about 3-5 days. Adjustments can be made at 2-3 weeks post treatment. After 4 weeks the effect will gradually wear off. The effect typically lasts up to 4 months. We don’t re inject under 12 weeks.
I am over 65 in age can I still have Anti Wrinkle injections?The simple answer is yes, but it is not licensed for over 65’s and it will only be effective in dynamic wrinkles. Static lines will remain, so you need to be realistic about your expectations. Your practitioner will guide you, as there may be more relevant treatments eg skin boosters to improve your complexion.
Does it ever stop working?In rare cases you can develop resistance, in which case the medication can be changed to a different brand. We, at Glow Aesthetics by Dora will always use a product that contains less protein as our first line of treatment, therefore less chance of reaction or resistance.
Does exercise affect the length of effectiveness?Yes,strenuous exercise is known to shorten the effectiveness of botulin toxin A
How can I make my treatment last longer?Shade your face from the sun, don’t exercise immediately after treatment, avoid the sauna and hot baths/showers be gentle with your face for 48 hrs post treatment, choose your injector wisely. Take a zinc supplement, studies have demonstrated that this may help.